Hee Haw! It's a SphinnCon in North Carolina!

The South is host to more than just grits, rebel flags, inbred fat couples, dogs tied to chains, and gothic short stories filled with drinking and murder…which is why I am so utterly thrilled to announce that we’ll be having our very own SphinnCon on May 2nd, in Greensboro, North Carolina, hosted by Link Fish Media’s Jay Young and Ayima’s Rob Kerry, also known as the editor of Sphinn AND, in some small small ciricles, known simply as Donkey. Sure, Greensboro is a fairly boring town (although we’ve just turned 200! and we have a nice chocolate shop) but with the arrival of the lovely and charming Evil Green Monkey, this town is going to be turned upside down.

So what can you expect from the Greensboro SphinnCon?

  • Informal quick sessions presented on a variety of SEO topics
  • A networking session with FREE BEER that goes on until the wee hours of the night
  • The chance to have your photo taken with an SEO Chick and maybe meet my bloodhound

Many people have complained about the overcrowded nature of the current major conferences, so this is your chance to come out to a one-day event and actually have meaningful SEO conversations with other professionals. We’ll get started around 10 and keep going until someone gets arrested. Tickets are $150 and that includes free beer and free food (for carnivores and veggies). There’s a special conference hotel (see the SphinnCon link) and we’ll be doing a lovely pub crawl on Friday night. Several people are staying for the weekend so send me a message on Facebook or email if you’ll be around and are interested.