SMX – MSN Networking Bash

Just got back from the SMX Networking Bash, it was a really good night, and MSN sure put their hand in their pocket. Free drinks all night and loads of give aways, sweet! A lot of dodgy looking cocktails (blue cosmopolitan?? Works for me). I think actually most people that are going to the conference tomorrow turned up for this networking event, very well organised piss up.

I Met a bunch of really nice people I hadn’t met before. Rhea Drysdale, she was such a sweetheart, and really knows her SEO stuff. We had a great conversation about how annoying it is when all people care about is being #1 on Google, hello..Conversions. Great to meet like-minded SEO chicks. And as I’m a chick, and we always talk to other chicks in the toilet (dudes that’s totally normal), I met a really cool girl called Carolyn Shelby in the loo (restrooms for you American readers..) Also finally got to meet Jane Copeland from SEOmoz in person, she is such a sweetie, and pretty darn smart too. And of course Rebecca Kelley, also from SEOmoz, who totally rocks. Rebecca is in fact going to join the SEO-Chicks blogging team, which we are really pleased about!

I will post all the photos from the party tomorrow.