Category General SEO

What Is ‘Mobile’?

Mobile traffic, mobile websites, mobile apps. These and similar phrases are increasingly being discussed in SEO circles, but sometimes (and I am as guilty of this as anyone) we forget to define what we actually mean by the term ‘mobile’.…

deCabbit Chocolate Picks of the Season

As you know, I love chocolate. My passion for chocolate has extended to going on chocolate tasting tours, sampling single estate chocolate and educating my palette as to what chocolate, beans and the like are all about. I’ve surprised myself…

Things For Which The Internet Sucks

If there is one (more) thing that makes no sense to me whatsoever, it’s international power standards. Electricity. That which spews out of the wall when you plug shit in. Juice, and not that of the link variety. It’s the…

Want to become an SEO Chick?

We are currently in the process of redesigning and developing the SEO-Chicks blog, it’s starting to really shape up and we are all very excited (teaser: The new Logo includes me in a viking helmet, Anita in a gypsy scarf…

Interview Alert! It's Wordstream's Elisa Gabbert!

Elisa Gabbert is the content manager at WordStream, where she runs the WordStream Internet Marketing Blog and helps market the company’s AdWords software, PPC management services and keyword research tools. She also writes poetry and perfume criticism. She currently lives…

How To Sell Yourself As A Client

Here’s a bit of advice for those of you looking for someone to help you out with your online marketing: Don’t be such a complete asshat. For some of you, this is easier said than done (at least judging by…