Category General SEO

Let's Talk About Spaceships

I have been known to enjoy, and employ, a musical reference, on the odd occasion, and since I’m listening to Say Hi at the moment, I thought I’d go with it, yet again. We talk about so much utter crap…

When My Google AdWords Ad Went *POOF*!

Has Google gotten suddenly strict with Display URL? Was there a memo? Did I (and my AdWords rep) miss it? I decided to trial some of my AdWords Optimisation rep Kevins efforts on a group in one of my campaigns.…

The Importance of Having a Thick Skin

Recently SEOmoz has had the pleasure of being caught in several bloggers’ scopes because of the controversy behind Rand’s Google Payola post. While much of the criticism was largely professional and constructive, some of it has been more personal and…

The Reincarnation of Apprenticeship

One night, from the only punk rock bar in Las Vegas, I gave a horribly long rant to RateItAll’s Lawrence Coburn. It was my take on the industry. It is hard to find those words again as that was a…